Interpreting Services

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Simultaneous Interpreting

In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter speaks almost at the same time as the source-language speaker, using Simultaneous Interpreting System (SIS) equipment in or outside a booth. In some cases, the interpreter may translate in low voice while sitting to do a small group of audience (chuchotage).

Consecutive Interpreting

In smaller forums where the SIS equipment is usually hard to install, consecutive interpretation might do the trick. The source-language speaker will make brief pauses after few sentences to allow the interpreter to interpret what has been said.

Community Interpreting (Field Interpreting)

Interpreting used in community-based settings and situations. In communities with greater numbers of Limited English Proficient (LEP) speakers, community interpreting provides language access to audience experiencing language barriers with certain public services.

Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI)

RSI is an online telecommunication service that uses devices such as web cameras or videophones to provide spoken language interpreting services. RSI is suitable for those who require interpreter services for remote events held between countries or continents, especially in this new normal era.